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about me

about grazingpages

I'm Katie, a dispenser by day caring for the community and a mad book reviewing machine by night. You'll always find me with a book attached to my side because you never know when you might get the opportunity to read. Though, on those rare occasions that I don't have a good book I'll read pretty much anything, whether it be posters, leaflets, bottles, if it's there... I'll read it. The majority of what I read is young adult or chick-lits, but I do like a bit of mystery every now and then. The only thing you wont catch me reading is biographies or anything directly history related, but then again I could be persuaded if you find something quite appealing that you think I will love. 

I've created this blog to log the books that I've read, and if in doing so, I can encourage someone to read something amazing, then that's just a bonus. I will never intentionally discourage anyone from reading a book which I rate low as I'm a firm believer in personal opinion. Though I may hate a certain book, to someone else it could be their favourite, and vice versa. Don't ever be discouraged from reading something you find interesting just because you read a bad review because you never know, you could be missing out. Then again it could be truly awful... but you'll never know until you give it a go. 

I hope that you enjoy your stay here, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me using the tab under my title. For now... happy reading.